Aristea Primary School

Aristea Primary School, located in Kraaifontein in the Western Cape, opened its doors in 1976 with 17 teachers and 455 learners. Mr M. van Huysteen was the headmaster from 1976 – 1993. In 1994, Mr Neil Marais took over the reins and was at the helm of affairs until the end of 1998. In 1999, Mr Pierre Boshoff was appointed headmaster and for the next 20 years he managed the school. Under his capable leadership, the school grows into a teaching institution with approximately 1175 learners from Grade R - 7. At the same time, the staff grows to approximately 65 which includes teaching staff, administrative staff, assistants and support staff. The current principal, Mr Werner Ebersohn, is at the helm of affairs from January 2020.

The school coat of arms was registered in 1979 at a cost of R150.00. The Aristea flower that is depicted is a small flower that occurs from the Sahara Desert in North Africa, to the Cape Peninsula, as well as on the island of Madagascar. The little flower usually grows near marshes or on mountain slopes and hills.

The motto of the school is Excellentior which means 'Only the Best'.

Aristea Primary School experienced a major disaster in February 2001 when the school hall burned down. A forensic investigation showed that arson was suspected, but the culprits were never caught. A new hall was built with the money paid out by the school's insurance partner company.

The community in Kraaifontein consists of a diverse group of South African citizens and therefore the school caters for a diverse group of learners and teachers.

Full-service schools:
Aristea has declared itself as a full-service school because we want to serve our community in its entirety. As a full-service school we:

  • are a mainstream education institution that provides quality education to all learners by supplying the full range of learning needs in an equitable manner,
  • are an ordinary public school,
  • give access to all children living in the catchment area of the school, whatever their learning needs,
  • promote a welcoming and accepting environment which fosters a sense of belonging for both learners and their parents,
  • provide a wide range of support at the school to ensure all learners participate meaningfully in education and
  • commit to the development of inclusive teaching skills to accommodate diverse learner needs.

Currently the school has 4 Grade R classes consisting of 1 Afrikaans and 3 English classes. From Grade 1 – 7 there are 5 classes in each grade with 2 Afrikaans and 3 English classes. As a full-service school, there is therefore an LSEN class where learners with learning disorders are taught. Computer classes are also offered for learners from Grades 2 – 7.

The school offers the following sports for all the learners in the school, viz. athletics, tennis, cricket, rugby, netball, hockey, cross country and chess.

In the area of culture, there is drama, junior and senior choir and orchestra for learners who are interested. The music department also offers music lessons in guitar, recorder and piano.

Aristea Primary School can proudly say that they can compete with the best of schools in any field. The hard-working, loyal and motivated staff ensure that our learners are educated in totality, so that one day they can fill their shoes in the grown-up world with confidence.

The school also has an aftercare facility where learners can work and play in a safe environment, while they wait to be picked up by their parents.


Aristea strives to deliver outstanding services to our clients, namely our parents and children.

Aristea is a dynamic multi-cultural teaching institution where well-equipped teachers strive to educate the child in his/her totality (academically, culturally and on the sports field) in a manner which will encourage them to develop to their full potential.


Aristea will endeavour to instill the following values in our learners:

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Responsibility
  • Self-discipline
  • Loyalty
  • Perseverance

The T2P committee also added the following values:

  • Love
  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Caring
  • Acceptance

For an individual to enjoy the privileges of a community, club or institution, he or she must abide by the rules and norms of that body. When a child enters Aristea Primary School, he or she automatically becomes a member of our community. Rules and regulations exist to encourage the highest possible standards of behaviour and to enable the Aristea community to run as smoothly as possible. Underpinning any system of rules and regulations must be common sense, decency and concern for the well-being of others. Aristea’s learners are expected to recognise the need to behave in a way which graces the School, wherever they are.

Aristea Primary undertook to be a value-driven skool. The Code of Conduct of Aristea Primary is therefore seated in the values system the school accepted as its own. Every child is thus educated and encouraged to accept and obey the same values system in order for it to have a positive influence on his or her behaviour at school.

The following 12 values were adopted by the school and are promoted in various ways on a monthy basis:

  • January – loyalty
  • February - love
  • March - respect
  • April - self-discipline
  • May - responsibility
  • June - teamwork
  • July - tenacity/perseverance
  • August - integrity
  • September - honesty
  • October - caring
  • November - fairness
  • December - acceptance

Of every leaner it is expected to strive towards these specific values. It is expected of teachers to live these values and to conduct positive and progressive discipline at all times.


From our amply watered valley
‘mongst the hills so restful blue
grows a flow’r so pure and faithful
to this symbol we’ll stay true.

We are building onwards
on a past so strong and proud
to a future for our nation
that with nobleness endowed.

Trusting God, our people and our land
we will work and learn and play.
May we bring you Aristea,
only honour fame and praise.