Aristea Primary School


Grade R:
Monday to Thursday: 07:40 – 13:00
Friday: 07:40 – 12:45

Grade 1:
Monday to Thursday: 07:40 – 13:30
Friday: 07:40 – 13:00

Grade 2:
Monday to Thursday: 07:40 – 13:30
Friday: 07:40 – 13:00

Grade 3:
Maandae tot Donderdae: 07:40 – 14:00
Friday: 07:40 – 13:00

Grade 4 - 7:
Monday to Thursday: 07:40 – 14:30
Friday: 07:40 – 13:00

We encourage all interested parents and prospective learners from the area to consider Aristea Primary School as your school of choice.
Clear guidelines can be found on the WCED's website.
Any inquiries can be directed to:

Application of exemption of school fees

NB* If you cannot complete the online application (link above), please visit the school with all the required documents.

Aristea Primary School has an on-site aftercare for Grade R - 7 learners. The aftercare includes lunches and homework supervision. Feel free to contact Charmain Neil at for costs and more information.

Aristea Primary School is a full-service school with a learning support class. At Aristea Primary School, it is very important for us to look after each learner on an academic and emotional level and to make sure that the learner develops to the best of his/her abilities.

Our School Based Support Team (SBST) is responsible for communication, advice and guidance to class teachers regarding the support of learners within the class context. The SBST works together with the learning support educator and the expert input of our counsellor.

We aim to identify all educational needs, as well as learning and emotional problems as early as possible in order to offer learners the necessary help and support.

Aristea Primary School
Cheque Account
Account number: 14504 90683
Branch code: 632005

Reference: Name and Surname of the child